
Offering Experience and Expertise

  • OSHA Compliance & Safety Monitoring
  • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments
  • Property Condition Assessments (PCA )
  • Litigation Support: Expert Testimony, Material Fact Witnessing, Deposition Preparation, Development

SDVOB: 241896



Safety Compliance & Training

Safety Audits, Training, and Compliance Expertise

Ctgroup provides jobsite audits, safety inspections, daily worksite safety monitoring, then offers a detailed report with photos and the corresponding OSHA regulatory citation as it relates to a potential violation for each site inspected.  Ctgroup can help with the preparation of project safety manuals, task hazard analysis (JHA, JSA, AHA, etc.), and accident investigations and reports.  Government, Construction, and General Industry each present unique challenges when companies seek to comply with very strict and complicated regulations and often subjectively applied. Add to this regulatory compliance challenge, you have insurance requirements necessary to maintain reasonable cost.

The end effort is to maintain a low Experience Modification Rate (EMR) for lower insurance costs and the ability to bid on government contracts. Training is always a challenge to ensure not only compliance but also comprehension.  Engaging yet challenging is necessary to create a successful training class; instructors must be personable and approachable. Our instructors are qualified and certified through national board testing.

Environmental Due Diligence

Environmental Assessments and Risk Mitigation

Ctgroup provides site research and inspections with reports detailing various levels of environmental research. Typically bank policies require Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) for loans exceeding $1 million, lessor value loans may satisfy requirements using an Environmental Transaction Screen (TSA) or even a simple Environmental Desktop Review (EDR).

The goal of an environmental risk assessment is to help financial institutions meet the requirements of 40CFR312 (All Appropriate Inquiry) and to avoid potential risk of environmental hazards that are part of the operation of a business, prior uses of the property, or even the adjacent properties presenting vapor intrusion risk. Reports are completed in accordance with the current American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) 1527 and other industry standards. It is important to state these standards limit the validity of these reports to one year.

Industrial Hygiene

Assessing Risks for Health and Safety

Industrial hygiene is a science that can anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control environmental and physical exposure potential, which can affect the health and well-being of workers and community members.

Industrial hygienists use strict and rigorous scientific methodology and often require professional judgment based on experience and education in determining the potential for hazardous exposure risks in the workplace, home, and communities. These aspects of occupational hygiene can often be referred to as the “art” of occupational hygiene. Ultimately professionals seek to implement “safe” systems, procedures or methods to be applied in the workplace or to the environment. Industrial hygienists often support workplace safety and health efforts, and evidence collection for litigation efforts.

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